Rib Baskets

Rib Baskets

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Step-by-step directions for making fourteen different rib baskets are accompanied by suggestions for variations to challenge the imagination of both novice and experienced basketmakers. With 231 images and 107 diagrams, this how-to guide offers general techniques and tips for successful weaving. Chapters on basketry tools, materials, and the components of a rib basket are included, as are answers to frequently asked questions. Directions for decorative weaving and composites of both contemporary and antique baskets provide further ideas for designing rib baskets that are uniquely one's own.

By Jean Turner Finley. Step-by-step directions for making fourteen different rib baskets are accompanied by suggestions for variations to challenge the imagination of both novice and experienced basketmakers. With 231 images and 107 diagrams, this how-to guide offers general techniques and tips for successful weaving. Chapters on basketry tools, materials, and the components of a rib basket are included, as are answers to frequently asked questions. Directions for decorative weaving and composites of both contemporary and antique baskets provide further ideas for designing rib baskets that are uniquely one's own.
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