Basketweaving Blog
Basket Weaving Kits, Supplies, Books, Tools & More!

Easter Basket Weaving – Basketweaving Gifts
It's not to early to begin your Easter Basket Weaving. Whether…

Holiday Basket Weaving
We're approaching the time of year when our holiday basket weaving…

Basket Weaving and Meditation
Basket Weaving and Meditation have a lot in common.
When you…

Weave a Picnic Basket
Weave a Picnic Basket for summer!
We have a super basket weaving…

Sweetgrass Baskets
Sweetgrass Baskets are a tradition along the Atlantic coast.…

Farmers Market Baskets
Farmers Market Baskets are handy for so many uses, but the best…

Pricing Your Baskets
Pricing Your Baskets (from

Easter Baskets
Easter Baskets
Easter Baskets can be any easy-to-carry style…

Weaving Large Baskets
Weaving large baskets can be rewarding. You get a giant result…

Basket Kits
Basket Kits
I'm in the midst of designing some new basket…

Valentine Baskets
Valentine Baskets
OK. No pressure here, but you do realize…

Getting Organized with Baskets
Getting Organized with Baskets is an easy way to tidy up your…

Basket Weaving Projects
Basket Weaving Projects are stacked up all over the living room,…

Basket Weaving Today
Basket weaving today is one of the very few crafts that still…

Basket Weaving with Kids
Basket Weaving with Kids
4th and 5th grade teachers, a lot…

Weaving Reindeer
Weaving Reindeer like these is fun and easy. The visual tutorial…

Basketweaving and Bee Skeps
Basketweaving and Bee Skeps go together. As a basketweaver, I've…

Basket Weaving Excellence
Congratulations to Maine Passamaquoddy basket weaver Jeremy Frey…

Basketweave House
Basketweave House
When I saw this article about an architect…

Clay Basket Weaving – Not for the Faint of Heart
Clay Basket Weaving !
OK. I just got my mind blown. The art…

Prevent Mildew on Basket Weaving Supplies
Prevent Mildew on Basket Weaving Supplies
Hot, humid summer…

Weaving Rib Baskets
Weaving Rib Baskets
Have you been avoiding rib baskets because…

Kids Basket Weaving in the Summertime
Kids Basket Weaving
in the summertime means weaving baskets…

Hyacinth Bean Vines weaving their way up the wall
Hyacinth Bean Vines weaving their way up the wall
Here's are…

Basket Weaving Trellis
Basket Weaving Trellis
Last year my husband stuck a few sticks…

Wrapping Basket Handles
Wrapping Basket Handles
Have you considered wrapping basket…

I know you all appreciate a hand-crafted hero. We just learned…

Basket Weaving for Kids
Basket Weaving for Kids
I remember my first basket. It was…

How to Weave a Basket
Once upon a time, you worked a job with long hours. You never…